Embarking on the Qigong Teaching Path

I recently wrote an article for Brainz Magazine on How to Become a Qigong Teacher. For the past 7 or 8 years, I've been offering Qigong Teacher Training programs. Looking back on the earlier versions, I can't help but notice how rudimentary and lacking they were compared to what they've grown into today.

Acknowledging this isn't meant to diminish my past efforts or undervalue the experiences of earlier participants, rather, it's an acknowledgement of how far I’ve come, how much I’ve learned and how proud I am of the quality of my current offerings.

In a nutshell, becoming a Qigong Teacher involves mastering the form, internalizing its intricacies, delving into foundational theory, grasping the associated vocabulary and language, honing the ability to perceive and guide energy, and cultivating presence and awareness.

But why would one aspire to teach Qigong in the first place?


From passion to profession…

For over a decade I've dedicated myself to delving into the depths of Qigong and its various branches. One of the things that captivates me most about this modality is its inherent richness; it feels as though there's an endless well of wisdom waiting to be uncovered and understood. As a quadruple fire sign, I get bored easily, or is it distracted easily? I start many things and finish a few. I’ve never felt this way about Qigong, it has consistently held my attention and I can’t imagine ever retiring from studying, learning and sharing it.

I didn’t start practising Qigong to become a Qigong Teacher or a Qigong Teacher trainer. I began practising to feel better. To help soothe myself emotionally and psychologically during a time of upheaval, soul healing and awakening.

When you discover something that eases your suffering, it’s natural to want to share it with others. Qigong has a profound ability to transform people. In its simplest application, it's about movement, breath, and alignment all of which work together to enhance physical function and improve health. This is the reason that most people seek out a Qigong class.

What I discovered through my own practice and study of Qigong is that the modality is much deeper than the expression of physical movement. Its true depth lies in the realms of subtlety. I've come to realise that the most significant transformations and deepest healings are somewhat mystical and they occur through what I call the Qigong of Self-Understanding. This involves delving into one's psyche, exploring personal realities, and tapping into innate Qi.

This application of Qigong involves an inner tuning—a process of deeply understanding, sensing, and expressing emotions, as well as addressing inner stagnancies and stores of energy within oneself. It's through this process that the flow of our Qi is reshaped on a fundamental level and we can experience healing of the body, mind and spirit.

Inspiring Change: Teaching Qigong Transform Lives

But back to my original question, why would one aspire to teach Qigong?

I believe that ultimately it has to come from genuine love. It could be as simple as a love for gentle movement. Or a desire to help people elicit feelings of ease and grace. It could be a passion to understand the energetic movement of life force (Qi). Maybe a curiosity about how standing and breathing in a particular way could be so beneficial to health.

The reason I teach Qigong and why I now focus on teaching people how to teach Qigong is because I believe we can heal ourselves and live happier lives. I believe that the key to vitality is changing one’s Qi. We can achieve this through the basic practices of Qigong—movement, alignment, breathwork, and presence. Yet, even more significantly, we facilitate this by delving into inner work, transforming our perception, and evolving ourselves on a deeper level.

The truth is that merely moving your body, waving your arms, and practising deep breathing won't fundamentally change your life. That’s not how Qigong really works, you’re going to have to go deeper.

The reason one aspires to teach Qigong is both a love of Qigong and a desire to empower others in their healing and growth.

Beach Qigong with Nicole Lee Qigong

Unlocking healing and empowerment

Our bodies know how to heal themselves — we just have to tap into that natural capacity. The physical practice, along with the psycho-emotional aspect and the principles of nurturing life — Yang Sheng Fa are there to guide us. It’s a powerful prescription for changing our Qi and creating healing and fulfilment in our lives, I have no doubt.

For those already guiding others towards healing, like Yoga Instructors, Naturopaths, Psychologists, Somatic Movement Therapists, Meditation Teachers, and other advocates of holistic natural health, the reasons to become a Qigong Teacher are crystal clear, here are just a few examples:

  • For Psychologists — many understand the value of getting people out of their heads and into their bodies. Introducing Qigong during therapy sessions can offer a lifeline to clients caught up in endless thoughts or looking for a peaceful end to tough discussions. Teaching them simple Qigong moves to use at home — it's like giving them a personalized toolkit for their healing journey.

  • For Yoga Instructors — the gentle, flowing motions of Qigong beautifully complement the dynamic, muscle-toning poses of Yoga Asana. Together, they create a harmonious blend of yin and yang, a deeply balancing combination.

  • For Naturopaths — integrating Qigong into their practice brings a unique advantage in helping clients address imbalances accumulated over a lifetime. By offering personalised Qigong exercises, they provide gentle yet effective support for recovery and the journey toward a healthier lifestyle.

Personal Trainers and Fitness Instructors can elevate their practice by weaving Qigong movements and philosophy into their sessions. Integrating a bit of Qigong at the start of a workout helps synchronize the body, mind, and breath, setting a harmonious tone for the session. Incorporating Qigong post-workout can ground clients, preparing them for a smooth transition into the rest of their day. It's like adding a sprinkle of presence and awareness to their routine, enhancing both physical and mental well-being.

When I began my journey in Qigong, I didn’t have a why in terms of becoming a Qigong Teacher. For me personally the practice, philosophy and power of the practice swept me up and carried me into this vocation. My why developed over time, as did my love of the modality.

At this stage my why is about helping people uncover, unlearn and remember who they are. When we feel empowered, healthy, and enthusiastic about life, our positive energy creates endless ripples in the fabric of our reality. We become catalysts for uplifting others and inspiring positive change in the people around us.

If you’ve been considering the idea of learning to teach Qigong or becoming a Qigong Teacher, perhaps sharing my reflections will shed some light and help you find clarity on your own reasons for following this Dao.


Keen to understand more about the underpinning philosophy and theory of Qigong?

Join me for this upcoming live online masterclass on Sunday April 14th, 2024, details here.


Teaching Qigong: 3 Mistakes You Shouldn't Make


Unbusy Living: The Qigong Way